Visia® Skin Analysis

Visia® Skin Analysis Near Fairview Heights

Not all skin issues are visible to the naked eye, and in-depth imaging technology is the best approach to curb problems and evaluate emerging issues. 

Experience the ultimate skincare analysis at Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics in Fairview Heights, IL. Our advanced Visia® Skin Analysis technology allows us to map and analyze your skin like never before. With our dedicated team of experts, you can expect personalized care tailored to your needs. Trust us to provide the information and tools to achieve your dream skin. 

What is Visia® Skin Analysis?

Visia® Skin Analysis is an advanced skin evaluation technology that we offer to our clients at Pure 111. The system takes images of your skin with exceptional detail that allows us to evaluate pore size, skin damage, signs of aging, and more. Without Visia® Skin Analysis, we can only estimate the health of your skin, and you may wait until problems appear on the surface before you realize that your skin needs help.

Visia® Skin Analysis is a cutting-edge technology that enables us to deeply examine the skin and understand what it needs to look its best. It involves capturing high-resolution images of the skin’s surface and sub-surface layers using a specialized camera that identifies all the skin’s characteristics, such as wrinkles, pores, spots, blemishes, texture, bacteria, and UV damage. With this detailed information, we can develop customized treatment plans and recommend the most effective products and procedures to improve your skin’s health and appearance. 

Why Should I Consider Visia® Skin Analysis?

Visia® Skin Analysis arms you with an in-depth understanding of how your skin is changing over time. The system tells you about problems that are not yet visible, such as:
Age spots and sun spots
Lines and wrinkles
Skin texture
Pore quality
UV damage
Brown spots
Areas of redness
Porphyrins (excretions from bacteria) that lead to acne problems

Using advanced technology, this innovative system deeply analyzes your skin texture to assess sun damage and wrinkles. Comprehensive analysis facilitates the creation of a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Whether you want to address a skin concern or achieve an overall radiant complexion, Visia® Skin Analysis is your first step towards achieving your best skin. Visia® Skin Analysis is your first step towards achieving your best skin ever. 

About Visia® Skin Analysis

Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics

How It Works:

• Records and measures surface and subsurface skin conditions

  • Even if you can’t physically see a problem with your skin, Visia® Skin Analysis can detect and diagnose issues lurking beneath the surface.  




Procedure Time:

• A few minutes

  • The procedure is quick and non-invasive, so you can get on with your day without sacrificing too much time. Although brief, the benefits to your skin are long-lasting. 

How Long Does A Review Take:

• Review of your results and consultation will typically take from thirty minutes to an hour

  • With this information, you can gain valuable insights into your skin’s health and make informed choices about how to take care of your skin. 

Realistic Results:

• Visia is able to distinguish between pores and skin spots through size and definition.

  • You can be more informed about the needs of your skin and what treatments to consider in order to address specific concerns. 

How Much Does Visia® Skin Analysis Cost?

Our Visia® Skin Analysis service is complimentary as part of your free consultation.

Visia® Skin Analysis offers effective rejuvenation and skin care treatment recommendations through clear, compelling visual impact, empowering you to make informed decisions about your skin health. 



What Skin Problems Can Be Detected with Visia® Skin Analysis?

Enlarged pores
Lines and wrinkles
Sun damage
Tiny broken capillaries
Pore infections that lead to acne

The system not only tells you about areas that need attention, but also helps you see the benefits of your medical spa treatments, at-home skin care, sun protection, and other lifestyle choices.

Visia® Skin Analysis is a revolutionary technology that has allowed the detection and diagnosis of skin conditions. By using advanced computer imaging, this system identifies numerous skin problems that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Analyzing your skin’s texture, color, and overall health, Visia® Skin Analysis helps you better understand your skin’s needs. It also assists in developing a personalized skincare routine that addresses your concerns. Whether it’s acne, age spots, or other common skin issues you’re dealing with, Visia® Skin Analysis provides valuable information for achieving healthy, glowing skin.

With this system, you can view your skin and take preventative measures to maintain its health and radiance for years. 



What Happens During the Visia® Skin Analysis?

The Visia® Skin Analysis system is designed with pads, where you rest your chin and forehead. A concave device encircles your face from the front while taking a series of images using various light sources. The data is fed into the Visia® system, where it is mapped onto a three-dimensional model of your face.

We review the information and explain the results to you right after the images are taken. The Visia® Skin Analysis system is a transformative tool that utilizes multi-spectral imaging and analysis to capture key visual information for six areas influencing complexion, health, and appearance.

These areas include wrinkles, spots, pores, evenness (color variation in the skin tone), porphyrins (indications of bacteria in pores), and UV spots (indicative of photodamage due to excessive sun exposure). By leveraging advanced technology and innovative software, this system provides a comprehensive analysis of wrinkles, pigmentation, pores, and texture using high-resolution images of the face.

This analysis helps us address specific needs and goals related to acne, sun damage, and signs of aging, creating a personalized treatment plan. 



How is the Information from a Visia® Skin Analysis Used?

Visia® Skin Analysis results guide our recommendations for medical spa treatments and at-home practices that will improve skin health and help you manage any signs of problems. Visia® Skin Analysis in Fairview Heights can help you make informed decisions about your skincare products and routine.

By identifying areas where your skin is lacking, Visia® Skin Analysis can help you select the best treatments and products to achieve your desired results. 



How Often Should I Have Visia® Skin Analysis?

We recommend that you have a Visia® Skin Analysis performed every year. The system allows us to compare previous images so you can see changes to your skin. 

Understanding your unique skin type and concerns is crucial for making informed decisions about your skincare routine. Visia® Skin Analysis technology provides an in-depth examination of various aspects of your skin, including sun damage and wrinkles. By getting this analysis performed annually, you can track changes and progress in your skin’s health and appearance.  



Why Should I Choose Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics for My Visia® Skin Analysis?

At Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics, we help you achieve aesthetics goals that are defined by how you want to face the world. We understand that you have many options for your Visia® Skin Analysis. What sets Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics apart is that we go beyond performing the basic steps of your treatments. We appreciate the dimensions and complexities that are unique to your face, and our approach is to bring out your best features while correcting areas that are most concerning to you.

Pure 111 is unique because of our passionate and highly trained staff. We prioritize education and training with a strong emphasis on the latest treatments on the market. 

Visia® Skin Analysis is a powerful tool that lets you understand emerging issues that involve your skin health and appearance in the next few years. The information is best used when it is considered for your medical spa treatments. If you are considering Visia® Skin Analysis in O’Fallon, Belleville, Shiloh, or the surrounding areas of Illinois, contact Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics to schedule a free consultation.

Can Visia® help in identifying specific skin concerns or conditions?

Visia® Skin Analysis’s cutting-edge technology offers reliability and non-invasiveness, making it an invaluable tool. It aids in identifying skin deficiencies, assessing treatment effectiveness, and detecting a range of conditions that can impact skin appearance and quality if left untreated.

These conditions include fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, age spots, dark spots, oversized pores, and surface bacteria on the skin. 

Who can benefit from Visia® Skin Analysis?

Visia® Skin Analysis is a non-invasive imaging tool that can benefit anyone who wants to take their skincare regimen to the next level. Whether to maintain your healthy glow or address specific concerns like acne, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation, Visia® Skin Analysis provides a comprehensive evaluation of your skin’s condition. It assesses various factors, including wrinkles, pores, texture, pore size, sun damage, UV sensitivity, and more, enabling you to track progress over time. 

Is there any preparation required before undergoing Visia® Skin Analysis?

To prepare for a Visia® Skin analysis, cleanse your face thoroughly and remove any makeup. Also, avoid using skincare products on the day of the analysis to ensure accurate results. 

How often should one undergo Visia® Skin Analysis?

We highly recommend undergoing an annual Visia® Skin Analysis. This advanced system enables us to compare previous images, providing you with valuable insights into the changes occurring in your skin. 

Is Visia® only used for facial skin analysis, or can it assess other areas of the body?

Visia® Skin Analysis is intended to capture images of the face. The software’s algorithm and specialized filters are optimized to analyze and evaluate its unique characteristics and conditions.