If you’re struggling with incontinence, your pelvic floor muscles might be to blame. Fortunately, EMSELLA® offers a non-invasive solution for strengthening these muscles and alleviating symptoms of incontinence. 

What is EMSELLA®?

EMSELLA® is a revolutionary treatment offered at Pure 111 in Fairview Heights, IL, that empowers women to reclaim control over their bladder and bowel by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.

With its non-invasive approach, EMSELLA® not only addresses incontinence but enhances sexual sensation, revitalizing women’s intimate health. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a life unhindered by incontinence with EMSELLA®.

How EMSELLA® Works

EMSELLA® is an innovative non-invasive treatment that utilizes electromagnetic energy to stimulate and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. By causing muscle contractions and improving muscle memory, EMSELLA® surpasses other treatments and kegel exercises in their effectiveness. Remarkably, a single EMSELLA® session equals 11,000 kegels, effortlessly enhancing bladder and bowel control to alleviate incontinence symptoms.


EMSELLA® is a professional non-invasive treatment. It does not require injections, anesthesia, scalpels, or sutures. In clinical trials, 95 percent of patients reported improved quality of life. Some patients experience improvements after just one session, with continued progress over the next few weeks. Plus, you can resume normal activities immediately after treatment.


Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics

What it Treats:

EMSELLA® treats incontinence and sexual wellness.

Procedure Time:

Procedure time is approximately 30 minutes.

Recovery Time:

There is no downtime for EMSELLA®. You might experience mild muscle soreness after the procedure.

Realistic Results:

Noticeable results after the first session and continuous improvement over the following weeks, with effects lasting for approximately one year.
Equivalent to doing 11,000 kegels, resulting in increased muscular activity and strengthening. 

What To Expect Before an Emsella Treatment

The initial step is scheduling a consultation with our team at pure 111. During this consultation, we will assess your specific needs and medical history to determine if EMSELLA® is the right solution. While EMSELLA® can benefit many patients dealing with incontinence, it is contraindicated for individuals with pacemakers or other metal implants.

What To Expect During an Emsella Treatment

The EMSELLA® treatment, performed using the non-invasive EMSELLA® chair, allows patients to remain fully clothed without undressing. During treatment, electromagnetic energy is emitted to the pelvic region, causing tingling sensations and muscle contractions in the pelvic floor muscles. Despite these sensations, the treatment is not painful and is well-tolerated.

What To Expect After an Emsella Treatment

After undergoing an EMSELLA® treatment, there is no required downtime, allowing you to resume all activities, including exercise, immediately. You may experience some muscle soreness in the days following the treatment due to muscular stimulation. This soreness is similar to post-workout soreness and should not hinder your daily activity.

doctor using devise on patient

What conditions does EMSELLA® target?

EMSELLA® is a revolutionary treatment that targets a range of conditions related to pelvic floor dysfunction. From urinary incontinence to sexual dysfunction, EMSELLA® has shown promising results in easing symptoms associated with these conditions.

Is EMSELLA® safe? Is EMSELLA® painful? Are there any side effects associated with EMSELLA® treatment?

EMSELLA® is a safe, well-tolerated, and effective way to improve pelvic floor function with no downtime or side effects.

Is EMSELLA® suitable for everyone?

While EMSELLA® is generally safe for most individuals, it may not be recommended for those with implanted metal devices or pacemakers. Additionally, those who are pregnant or have untreated vaginal infections should avoid the procedure.

Is there any downtime or recovery period after the EMSELLA® treatment? 

There is no downtime or recovery period associated with this treatment. Patients can resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment session. This makes EMSELLA® an easy and convenient option for those with a busy lifestyle.

How long does an EMSELLA® session take? How many Emsella sessions are typically required for optimal results?

The sessions last only 30 minutes and stimulate over 10,000 contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. Each patient is unique, and therefore, customized sessions may be required to obtain optimal results.

Are the results of EMSELLA® permanent? How Long Do the Results of an EMSELLA® Treatment Last?

By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and restoring muscle memory, EMSELLA® produces long-lasting results. These results are expected to last for at least one year.

Can I combine EMSELLA® with other treatments?

Many patients pair EMSELLA® with other therapies, such as Kegel exercises or pelvic floor therapy, to maintain their results.

Is there any pre-treatment preparation required for EMSELLA®?

No special preparation is needed for EMSELLA® treatments. Arrive at your appointment in comfortable clothing, and be prepared to sit on the EMSELLA® chair for about 30 minutes.

Is EMSELLA® FDA-approved?

EMSELLA® is FDA-approved. This innovative treatment for urinary incontinence has been clinically proven to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and has the stamp of approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

How do I know if EMSELLA® is right for me?

If you are seeking relief from the challenges of incontinence in your daily life and are ready for an effective solution, our team is dedicated to assisting you. Our compassionate and experienced providers at Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics in Fairview Heights will thoroughly discuss your objectives and formulate a tailored plan to help you achieve your desired results.

How much does EMSELLA® treatment cost? Is EMSELLA® covered by insurance?

The cost of EMSELLA® treatments will depend on the number of sessions required for optimal results. To determine the cost of your EMSELLA® treatment, we recommend scheduling a consultation at Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics. During the consultation, we will assist you in creating a personalized EMSELLA® treatment plan and provide you with a detailed cost estimate. Please note that currently, most insurance companies do not cover EMSELLA®. However, we offer financing options to make this and other treatments more affordable.

What kind of results can I expect from an EMSELLA® treatment?

Many patients report significant improvements after just a few sessions. EMSELLA® works by delivering high-intensity electromagnetic waves to the pelvic floor muscles, causing them to contract and strengthen. This can lead to better bladder control, decreased urge to urinate, and even improved sexual function.

Are there any dietary or lifestyle recommendations during EMSELLA® treatment?

There are no dietary or lifestyle changes needed during the treatment. Patients can carry on with their normal routines and eating habits throughout the process. Some have reported feeling more motivated to pursue an active lifestyle, thanks to the renewed confidence they’ve gained from successful EMSELLA® sessions.

Who is a good candidate for EMSELLA® treatment?

EMSELLA® is a non-invasive and safe treatment that is suitable for most patients. If you want an effective solution to eliminate incontinence symptoms and strengthen pelvic floor muscles without invasive techniques, you may be a good candidate for EMSELLA®. Our professionals will assist you in determining if EMSELLA® is the right choice for you!

Thanks to EMSELLA®, women can overcome incontinence without surgery, downtime or discomfort. If you’re considering the EMSELLA® treatment, contact us today to schedule your consultation at Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics. We welcome patients from Shiloh, O’Fallon, Belleville and the nearby areas of Southern Illinois.