
Some of the troublesome wrinkles that you have are signs that your skin needs more collagen and hyaluronic acid. Injectable treatments such as Juvederm®, can help replenish these substances to soften wrinkles. 

Juvederm in O'Fallon, IL

What is Juvederm? 

Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics in Fairview Heights, IL offers Juvéderm, a dermal filler that restores volume, reduces lines and wrinkles, and restores elasticity on the face. Our highly skilled practitioners utilize minimally invasive techniques to firm, lift, fill, and plump the skin, enhancing its youthful appearance and natural beauty.

This product line includes six long-lasting fillers: Juvéderm Voluma XC, Juvéderm XC, Juvéderm Vollure XC, Juvéderm Ultra XC, and Juvéderm Volbella XC. Additionally, Allergan’s newest product, Juvéderm Volux is the first FDA-approved filler specifically for the jawline. With each filler targeting specific areas of concern, explore your non-surgical cosmetic enhancement options at Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics and let your natural beauty radiate. 

How it Works 

Juvéderm is a non-surgical dermal filler made from hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally present in our skin. This versatile filler is designed to add volume, smoothen lines, and enhance facial contours. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to replenish lost hyaluronic acid, thereby improving skin hydration and elasticity. 

As we age, the levels of hyaluronic acid decrease, resulting in a loss of skin elasticity and the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Juvéderm, a type of dermal filler, operates by replenishing the lost hyaluronic acid in the skin. Injected by a skilled practitioner using a fine syringe, the filler is composed of a gel-like substance containing hyaluronic acid. Once injected, it integrates with the surrounding tissues, effectively increasing hydration and restoring volume to the treated areas. 


Juvéderm dermal filler offers numerous benefits, including smoother skin, a more youthful appearance, restored tissue volume, softening of deep wrinkles, facial feature restructuring without surgery, and increased confidence. Additionally, there is no downtime involved. 

Why Choose Juvederm Over Other Dermal Fillers? 

Juvéderm sets itself apart for its hyaluronic acid-based formula, which replicates the natural substance found in our skin. This ensures a biocompatible and harmonious integration. With a diverse range of Juvéderm formulations addressing specific concerns such as fine lines, deep wrinkles, and volume loss, individuals can achieve personalized and subtle enhancements. What sets Juvéderm apart is its ability to deliver immediate, yet natural-looking results. This instills confidence and satisfaction immediately after the procedure. 


About Juvéderm®

Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics

What It Treats:

It treats wrinkles and facial folds, hollow cheeks, thin lips, and sagging skin. 

Procedure Time:

Procedure time varies depending on the area treated

Recovery Time:

There is typically little to no downtime after treatment.

Realistic Results:

Number of treatments needed to achieve desired results varies.

What To Expect Before a Juvederm Injection

Before treatment, our compassionate team of extraordinary practitioners in Fairview Heights will collaborate with you to determine the optimal solution that fully comprehends and achieves your objectives. Our goal is to surpass your desired results and enhance your natural beauty.

We will create an effective plan that addresses the features you would like to improve and enhance, aligned with your objectives. During a thorough consultation, we will discuss the different Juvederm filler choices and provide suggestions based on our extensive expertise, ensuring optimal cosmetic outcomes and exceptional aesthetic results. To minimize the risk of bruising during and after the treatment, it is advisable to avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements leading up to the procedure. 

What To Expect During a Juvederm Injection 

Before treatment, the area will be cleansed thoroughly with an antibacterial cleanser to ensure it is sanitized and free of germs. A topical numbing cream will then be applied to minimize any discomfort during the injections. The practitioner will skillfully use a fine syringe to inject the Juvéderm filler into the predetermined areas. The process is typically well-tolerated, with minimal pain or discomfort due to the numbing cream and precise techniques used. 

What To Expect After a Juvederm Injection 

After treatment, it’s common to experience mild redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites. However, these effects are usually temporary and subside within a few days. To reduce swelling, applying ice or cold packs can be helpful. It’s important to avoid excessive sun exposure, saunas, and intense physical activities for a few days after the procedure to minimize the risk of swelling and bruising. 

Your practitioner may provide tailored aftercare instructions specific to your treatment. While you’ll likely see immediate improvements, it may take a few days for the full results of your Juvéderm treatment to settle in as any initial swelling diminishes. 

Frequently asked questions 

Is Juvederm safe?

Juvederm is FDA-approved and safe when administered by a qualified medical professional. 

Who is a good candidate for Juvederm?

If you are looking to reduce wrinkles, restore volume, or enhance facial features, you are an ideal candidate for Juvederm 

What areas can Juvederm treat?

Juvederm can fill in nasolabial folds, add volume to the cheeks, Plump up thin lips, and reduce smile lines, jowls, and marionette lines. 

How long do Juvederm results typically last?

The duration of Juvéderm dermal fillers can last between 9 months and two years, depending on the product used and the treated area. 

Is there any downtime after a Juvederm treatment?

Juvederm fillers are noninvasive and non-surgical, and there is typically minimal to no downtime following the treatment. 

Are there any potential side effects of Juvederm?

Some mild side effects can range from slight redness and mild bruising, though major bruising is rare. Allergic reactions, while still rare, are also potential side effects.  

How can I prepare for a Juvederm procedure?

To prepare for your Juvederm procedure: 

 – Avoid taking any blood-thinning medication or supplements at least a week before your appointment to minimize bruising. 

– Refrain from alcohol, smoking, and excessive sun exposure in the days leading up to your treatment. 

– On the day of your appointment, do not wear any makeup to allow for a clean application. 

. What can I expect during a Juvederm treatment session?

During the procedure, a tiny needle will be used to inject the Juvederm filler into the targeted areas of your face. You may feel a slight pinch or pressure during the injection, but discomfort is typically minimal. 

Does Juvederm require multiple sessions for optimal results?

The number of sessions for achieving optimal results varies depending on your goals and the areas being treated. 

Can Juvederm be combined with other cosmetic treatments?

Combining Juvederm with different cosmetic treatments can enhance outcomes. Some popular options include Halo laser, Moxi laser, Forever Young BBL, Botox/Dysport, and HydraFacial treatments. 

What is the cost of Juvederm treatment?

Cost varies depending on the area, extent of treatment, and number of sessions needed. 

Are the results of Juvederm reversible?

We take pride in ensuring that the best aesthetic enhancements are achieved. However, if you are not satisfied with the results, they can be reversed by introducing a substance that disintegrates the filler and reverses the change. 

How can I maintain and prolong the effects of Juvederm?

To maintain the effects of Juvederm, follow these steps: minimize UV exposure by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 45 or higher, use a consistent skincare regimen to keep your skin moisturized, and undergo maintenance treatments. 

Are there any restrictions or guidelines to follow after a Juvederm procedure?

For a few days after your cosmetic treatment, it is best to refrain from touching or massaging your face unnecessarily. Additionally, it is advised to avoid excessive exposure to heat or cold. You may continue with your regular makeup routine, but avoid using any face products that contain alcohol. 

Juvéderm® is a popular non-surgical option for anti-aging and facial enhancement, but the products work best when they are administered with an eye towards aesthetics and overall facial balance. If you are considering Juvederm® in O’Fallon, Belleville, Shiloh, or the surrounding areas of Illinois, contact Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics to schedule a free consultation.