BBL Laser in O'Fallon, IL

What is MOXI™ Laser?

Experience the rejuvenating power of the MOXI™ Laser at Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics in Fairview Heights, IL. Our skilled and experienced practitioners utilize this gentle laser to restore a youthful appearance to sun-damaged and aging skin. With its non-ablative fractional technology, the MOXI™ Laser provides a refreshing boost, helping you maintain a healthy and glowing complexion. Get ready to embrace your skin’s natural radiance with our advanced treatments.

Why Choose MOXI Laser?

MOXI comfortably delivers laser energy to the skin to promote new cell growth and reduce unwanted pigment. It also does an amazing job of tightening and brightening the skin and even works great for melasma.

How it Works

MOXI™ is a fractionated laser that effectively treats visible signs of aging, corrects sun damage, and produces evenly toned and radiant skin. By delivering nonablative laser energy, MOXI™ helps correct uneven pigmentation and improve skin tone and texture with minimal downtime.

What Are The Benefits of MOXI Laser?

The MOXI™ Laser is the latest non-ablative laser offering a gentler approach to laser resurfacing. It delivers laser energy to promote new cell growth, reduce unwanted pigment, and tighten and brighten the skin. It is also effective for melasma. Another advantage of MOXI™ is its compatibility with other treatments for comprehensive synergistic results. It is often referred to as the Filter on Instagram or just Photoshop Filter treatment, due to its ability to create smooth skin.

What is the Difference Between MOXI™ ™ Laser and Other Laser Treatments?

Both the MOXI™ Laser and lasers like BBL Hero offer potent results. However, choosing between them depends on the patient’s skin condition and desired outcomes. BBL Hero primarily focuses on reducing signs of aging and reversing the effects of time. On the other hand, the MOXI™ Laser is a non-ablative laser that provides a gentler approach to laser resurfacing. It is ideal for rejuvenating the skin.

About MOXI Laser

Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics
Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics

What It Treats:

• Unwanted pigment
• Melasma

The MOXI™ Laser treats Melasma and signs of aging and sun damage. 


Procedure Time:

• About 30 minutes for face

The MOXI™ Laser typically takes 30 minutes for the face. 


Recovery Time:

• Little to no downtime

• You may apply makeup 24 hours after treatment

• Heated feeling for up to an hour after treatment

Little to no downtime. You may apply makeup 24 hours after treatment. Expect a hot feeling on the skin for up to an hour after the procedure. 


Realistic Results:

• Results start to become apparent after 4-5 days

Enhanced results become apparant within 4-5 days. 


What To Expect Before using MOXI™ Laser

At Pure 111 in Fairview Heights, IL, our expert team will discuss your skin goals, analyze your preferences, and create a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired skincare outcomes. During the process, your provider will also take pictures, provide instructions for before and after, and recommend the appropriate number of treatments required to reach your goals.

What To Expect During using MOXI™ Laser

Our MOXI™ Laser treatment is customized to meet your specific needs, and it is administered by a professional practitioner or aesthetician. Before the procedure, a topical anesthetic cream may be applied to minimize any potential discomfort. It takes approximately 20 minutes for the cream to take effect. During the quick treatment, the MOXI™ Laser delivers gentle micro-pulses of fractionated laser energy to the skin. You may experience mild discomfort and a slight sensation of heat. The procedure typically requires minimal downtime, allowing you to return to work the same day.

What To Expect After using MOXI™ Laser

The healing process is fast, allowing you to apply makeup just 24 hours after treatment. There is no downtime, although you may experience prolonged heat an hour following the treatment. Noticeable results can be seen in 4 to 5 days.

Moxi™ Frequently Asked Questions

We recommend scheduling a consultation to learn more about the Moxi™ laser treatment as it relates to your treatment, goals, and expected results. Our team wants to make sure you are a good candidate.

Is MOXI™ Laser suitable for various skin types?

MOXI™ Laser is a highly effective treatment that is suitable for a range of different skin types.

How many sessions are typically required to see results with MOXI™ Laser?

After just one treatment, you can expect to see noticeable improvements within a week, resulting in full results and radiant skin after three months.


Can MOXI™ Laser be used for both facial and body treatments?

The MOXI™ Laser system is designed to be versatile and can be used to treat skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. This means it can provide an effective treatment option for the neck, chest, arms, and legs.

Is there any specific pre-treatment preparation needed before undergoing MOXI™ Laser?

The post-care regimen for this non-ablative fractionated laser treatment is simple. Immediately after the treatment, wear a physical sunscreen with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection and SPF 30+ or higher.

How long do the results of MOXI™ Laser treatments typically last?

The duration of results varies depending on the extent and quality of treatments.

What skin concerns does MOXI™ Laser address?

The MOXI™ Laser is an effective treatment for a range of common skin concerns, including discoloration, uneven texture, and age spots. After treatment, expect improvements in skin tone, texture, and radiance.

Is MOXI™ Laser suitable for treating acne scars?

MOXI™ Laser is an effective and safe treatment option for acne scars. It uses laser energy and radiofrequency to target discoloration, rough texture, and other irregularities caused by acne scarring. Targeting these areas with laser light can improve the appearance of scars while stimulating the production of collagen, improving skin elasticity, and reducing the overall size of the scar. In addition, the MOXI™ Laser also helps even out skin tone by reducing dark spots from scarring. For those suffering from acne scars, this laser therapy offers a noninvasive solution that can reduce their appearance in as little as one session.

What is the recommended interval between MOXI™ Laser sessions?

The number of treatments required will be based on your treatment goals and the extent of correction needed. Typically, most patients receive three treatments spaced one month apart for optimal results.

Can MOXI™ Laser be combined with other aesthetic treatments?

MOXI™ Laser can be combined with other treatments to achieve superior outcomes. These treatments include:

– HydraFacial to hydrate the skin

– Microdermabrasion to address acne, acne scars, texture, and wrinkles

– Chemical peel to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation

– Medical-grade skincare products that contain superior levels of active ingredients, making them more effective.

Is MOXI™ Laser safe for all ages?

The MOXI™ Laser is a safe and effective technology for all ages. It works by using laser light to remove, and reduce wrinkles, and improve the overall texture of the skin. The laser light trates the outer layer of the skin and targets melanin, which is responsible for hyperpigmentation. This process is done safely and with no discomfort or irritation to the skin. In addition, its settings are adjustable so that it can be tailored to individual needs.

How soon can makeup be applied after a MOXI™ Laser session?

After a MOXI™ Laser treatment, you should wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup. Keep the area around the treatment clean and dry during this time.

Are there specific post-treatment care instructions for MOXI™ Laser?

There are specific post-treatment care instructions for MOXI™ Laser. Patients should avoid direct exposure to sunlight and tanning beds for at least 48 hours after the laser treatment. Also, keep the treated area clean and moisturized with a gentle cleanser and fragrance-free moisturizer. Additionally, patients should wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 outdoors to protect the skin from sun damage.

Can MOXI™ Laser be used on sensitive skin?

MOXI™ Laser can be used on sensitive skin. Its unique treatment protocols are designed to minimize discomfort while delivering effective results. Its advanced technology allows gentle and safe treatments without irritation or excessive heat, making it ideal for sensitive skin.

Is there discomfort associated with the MOXI™ Laser procedure?

While generally safe, patients may experience temporary discomfort such as mild stinging sensations, skin tightness, or redness. Applying moisturizer consistently can alleviate dryness. Adherence to sun protection guidelines before and after treatment minimizes the rare occurrence of side effects like swelling or bruising. Most patients report minimal discomfort, making the MOXI™ Laser an appealing option for managing signs of aging professionally and non-invasively.

Are there any contraindications or conditions that may prevent someone from undergoing MOXI™ Laser treatment?

Not everyone is suitable for MOXI™ Laser treatment as there are certain contraindications to consider. These include pregnancy, active skin infections or diseases, open wounds, cold sores, and a weakened immune system. Patients with an implantable medical device like a pacemaker should also avoid MOXI™ Laser treatment due to the risk of interference. Sunburns and tanned skin can affect the effectiveness of the treatment, so it is advisable to wait until these areas have healed before considering treatment.

If you are considering MOXI laser treatment in O’Fallon, Belleville, Shiloh, or the surrounding areas of Illinois, contact Pure 111 Medical Aesthetics to schedule a consultation.