Kick Wrinkles to the Curb (For Good) with Sculptra!

Are you underwhelmed with your skincare results, despite the healthy eating, regular exercising, and following your spot-on skincare routine? Stress and aging have an undeniable impact on your reflection. Just looking in the mirror day after day often makes it feel impossible to regain your skin’s youthfulness. But Sculptra Aesthetic brings hope to the impossible by providing an innovative cosmetic process to dissolve wrinkles from the bottom up! Dozens of cosmetic products claim to restore your skin but read up on why Sculptra Aesthetic has the science and the results to back up their claim.

What is Sculptra Aesthetic?

Sculptra was originally created in 1999 and approved by the FDA to help those dealing with lipodystrophy — an unfortunate and highly visible skin-sinking side effect of many HIV medications. The treatment brought confidence and health back to these patients by allowing them to take their much-needed medication without concern for changes to their appearance. It helped plump up the underlying tissue to create a smoothing effect on the overlying skin. Fast forward to 2009, when it got the green light and became a non-medical product under the name of Sculptra Aesthetic. Today it is a popular cosmetic treatment for eliminating age-related wrinkles and folds on the skin, just like it has done for 20 years in patients with lipodystrophy.

How does Sculptra Aesthetic work?

Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) to stimulate collagen production in the treated area. Collagen acts as the “glue” of the body, giving structure to bones, skin, muscles, and tendons. Strengthening this protein revives your natural structure and gives you a long-lasting, natural-looking result that will restore the youthfulness in your skin

What is the first step for a Sculptra Aesthetic treatment?

At Pure 111, we offer personalized consultations for every patient that allow our professionals to truly understand your goals and customize the best treatment for your body and face. We will do a thorough examination of your medical history, prior cosmetic procedures, current skincare regimen, medications, and supplements you take in order to find a plan that fits in with your already established routine. Through our personalized attention, we will formulate a plan to bring back your skin’s youthful glow.

What is a Sculptra Aesthetic procedure like?

Sculptra is a simple office procedure. A numbing cream is applied to the overlying skin, followed by a quick and painless injection. After the quick office visit, you are able to continue your day, as there is virtually no recovery period needed. This injection process will typically occur three times over the course of three to four months and you will notice Sculptra work over that time as the collagen builds back the structure underneath your skin. Your Pure 111 specialist will work with you to determine the number of treatment sessions needed to achieve your optimal results.

What is expected after a Sculptra Aesthetic treatment?

After your final procedure, the best results will typically be seen after four to six weeks. Your tissue will have been resupplied with collagen, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. While the process seems lengthy, the youthful facial fullness you have been dreaming of will be restored for up to two years!

Is Sculptra Aesthetic safe?

Looking as young as you feel is great, but it’s always important to know the safety of any cosmetic product. As with any procedure, there can be side effects. Fortunately, you can rest easy knowing that the procedure has been used for over 20 years and was originally approved for medical use by the FDA. When injected, there will often be swelling and bruising where the Sculptra was applied, but these are only temporary and will resolve quickly.

There is also a risk of Sculptra causing lumps under the skin, as it is building the collagen underneath and is related to the depth of the injection. In order to minimize this risk, it is important you use a qualified professional to conduct your procedure. At Pure 111, we are completely staffed with professionals who are fully trained to successfully and safely administer Sculptra, eliminating the already small risk involved with this long-established and used product

Are you ready to regain that youthful look? Perhaps look even better than you did in your younger days? Contact Pure 111 to set up a consultation today to determine if Sculptra is right for you and begin your journey to a happier, self-fulfilling life!