Morning Routine

Mornings Matter 

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: mornings matter. The way you start your day can set you up for success or leave you dragging your feet. We know how hard it can be trying to do it all. Balancing a career, motherhood, friendships, marriage, a home, and self-care (or even just a couple of those things) can leave you feeling defeated. That’s why we’re going to give you our top tips to feel better without having to change everything! 

Start with five minutes. If you can’t do anything else, start by getting up five minutes earlier. Even if it’s just to sit up, stretch, and take a deep breath, it’ll be well worth it. 

Do. Not. Scroll. Whatever you do, don’t start your day scrolling. Open the blinds, wash your face, and go sit outside for a few, but do not begin your morning with your phone. 


Hydrate. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning before coffee or food. This will give you a little pep in your step and get your organs ready to take on the day. Plus, your skin will thank you! 

Make that bed. This is a game-changer. Making your bed first thing gives you an immediate sense of accomplishment and at bedtime, you will be so thankful!  

Eat something. It doesn’t have to be a full meal, but coffee alone does not a breakfast make. Grab a few berries or a few spoonfuls of oatmeal if you aren’t very hungry and remember, liquids are not the same as food, so a smoothie is an addition to breakfast, not the whole thing! 

SPF. If you don’t have time for a whole skincare and makeup routine, no worries! Just make sure you slather that SPF on. 

Now we’re going to break out the tricks of the trade for our ladies who have the time to invest more in the mornings! 

Journal. If you can, start the day with a brain dump. Get out all the things you’re worrying about or feel like you have to do and then list what you’re grateful for. Automatic mood boost! 

Meditate. Use an app, take some deep breaths, and find an online meditation program (we like @flourishmeditation, they have free online classes!) but give your brain a break and find some clarity before the hustle begins! 

Move your body. Yoga, walking, Pilates, dancing, we don’t care! Just show that beautiful body of yours some love. Extra points if you can get outside for 10-15 minutes of early sunshine! 

Skincare. Your skin’s been repairing itself all night. Make sure you keep it fresh and glowy with water cleanse, eye cream, moisturizer, and SPF. We know a place where you can find some good ones! Wink Wink, it’s called Pure 111.